In the context of the Shared Tools Expert Group and with the support of Eurostat, Istat has organized in its headquarters in Rome a new knowledge sharing workshop on Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) tools and implementations.
The workshop, built on previous editions held from 2014 to 2023 and aimed to foster knowledge exchange among current and future SDMX implementers, has been specifically oriented to the staff of statistical organizations involved in the modernization of the data dissemination or data exchange business processes.
Participants gained during the workshop an overview of the SDMX initiatives, including demonstrations of free open-source tools and implementations for statistical organisations. In this workshop's edition, additional capacity building sessions for programmers and data producers have been held in the day 4.
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Workshop Programme
Day1 2024 June, 10 Slides Video - part I
Video - part II
Day2 2024 June, 11 Slides Video - part I
Video - part II
Video - part III
Video - part IV
Day3 2024 June, 12 Slides Video - part I
Video - part II
Video - part III
Video - part IV
Day4 2024 June, 13 Slides Training for data producers
Slides Training for programmers