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Version 2.1.19 (Release Date: May 30, 2024)

MDM v.2.1.19 (.NET 6)
Release Date: 30 May 2024
DDB v.1.5
MASTORE v.6.20
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.5
MA WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)
NSI WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
BUGFIX: Category Schemas and Dataflow: drag and drop of the category schema is not possible if there is even one unfinalized category with a dataflow
BUGFIX: Trim function: it is now compatible with Sql Server versions prior to 2016
BUGFIX: Fixed bug in Left_Trim and Right_Trim functions
BUGFIX: Mapping Handler: Validate dataset as ‘RunAsAdmin’ user
BUGFIX: Transformation field: fixed bug in import csv file in CASE expression
Mapping Handler: fixed bug in saving mapping set by users without admin role (if the parameter “Admin Role” is set in configuration)
Fixed bug in clearing databrowser cache
BUGFIX: incorrect order of attributes and dimensions in Dataflow Builder
BUGFIX: fixed data preview with filter in File Mapping
BUGFIX: fixed deletion of cube data filtered by time dimension
Backup table indexes are now compatible with SQL Server versions prior to 2016
Attribute Representation: the selection list now includes the attributes with Attachment Level = DimensionGroup
Attribute Representation: removed “View” and “Delete” buttons
removed empty “AnnotationURL” in loading DSD
BUGFIX: fixed bug in multiple selection of HCL

Version 2.1.15 (Release Date: March 8, 2024)

MDM v.2.1.15 (.NET 6)
Release Date: 8 March 2024
DDB v.1.5
MASTORE v.6.20
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.5
MA WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)
NSI WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
File Mapping: fixed bug in Show Processed Dataset
File Mapping: removed column with the prefix ‘_EDIT’
Mapping Set: The ‘Code Match’ into Transcoding not work properly
Dataset Builder: The ‘Download artefact’, ‘Clone artefact’ and ‘Export to other WS’ not work properly
HCL: fixed bug in rename hierarchy
HCL: add flag autosave in edit HCL page
HCL: fixed bug in delete items from hierarchy
Mapping Handler: fixed bug in downloading dataflow
Loader: fixed bug when importing data with validation file
Fixed bug in publishing Hierarchical codelist

Version 2.1.12 (Release Date: January 12, 2024)

MDM v.2.1.12 (.NET 6)
Release Date: 12 January 2024
DDB v.1.5
MASTORE v.6.20
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.5
MA WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)
NSI WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Import DSD 2.0: Fixed some bugs on opening the details of the imported DSDs

Version 2.1.10 (Release Date: November 30, 2023)

MDM v.2.1.10 (.NET 6)
Release Date: 30 November 2023
DDB v.1.5
MASTORE v.6.20
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.5
MA WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)
NSI WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
MDM-11: Mapping Handler
MDM-12: Import structure files in sdmx 2.0 format
Mapping Set: Validation errors are now shown paginated
Improvement Mapping: possibility to rename and edit new calculated fields
Improvement Mapping: two messages added in Enable Transformations (initial warning and final report)
Improvement Mapping: possibility to select the operator in IIS and CASE function wizard
Improvement Mapping: possibility to select a field as value in IIS and CASE function wizard
Improvement Mapping: new “Add Condition” button and ‘AND/OR’ operators added in IIF function wizard
Improvement Mapping: enabled IIF, “CASE” and “FILE” features
Mapping Set: the selected Connection and Dataset now appear in the wizard header
Improvement Mapping: possibility to select and modify the order of the fields in preview and download of the processed dataset
Improvement Mapping: new “Enable Transformations” button added in order to allow the creation of calculated fields
Loader: import data with calculated fields
Loader: new endpoint added in order to include new calculated fields in csv file; if the mapping file does not contain calculated fields, data will be imported with current endpoint
Mapping Set: pagination implemented when viewing the items of the Codelist associated with the component to define the transcoding
Dataflow Publishing: cross sectional 2.0 download implemented
Dataflow Builder: cross sectional 2.0 download implemented
Annotation: set new annotations as working annotation
Improvement Mapping: new “Download” button added in Processed Dataset and Preview
Improvement Mapping: added the ability to download and import rules file
Improvement Mapping: calculated field used in another calculated field
Improvement Mapping: calculated field visible in the field list of the function page
Improvement Mapping: fixed bug when importing large files
Improvement Mapping: fixed bug when entering fixed values
Improvement Mapping: Replace function with blank value
Improvement Mapping: Substring function with negative values
Dataset Builder: changed the display of the Dataflow and Datacube name
Mapping Set: added the ability to download errors in Data Validation
Import DSD 2.0: managed DSD 2.1 and 2.0 loading

Version 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 (Release Date: November 14, 2022 - February 28, 2023)

MDM v.1.9.0 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 14 November 2022
DDB v.1.5
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.5
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Mantaining categorisation when upgrading a dsd
Mapping/Loading - components of a mapping with fixed, calculated or concatenated values
Possibility to create more than a linked dataflow from the same real dataflow
Possibility to create multiple categorisations from “Category-schemes and dataflows” page
Eliminate corrispondent files when a cube is deleted
Allow modification of referred codelist and conceptschemes from inside a DSD
Mapping XML for Multisheet Excel files
Calculation of LastUpdate date for a dataflow
Make password change policies configurable
Improvement of annotation configuration (possibility to define ID and type to use separately)
Possibility to configure footer, homepage and logo of the application
Possibility to manage default values for the configuration of nodes
New user permission management in session to not exceed request headers size
Parameter to show the side menu expanded when opening the application
Annnotation for management of HCLs in Dataflows and DSDs
Import cc from file for data validation in loading
Allow to create file mappings without mapping the OBS_VALUE cube component
Possibility to selectively delete/modify records in a cube

Version 1.8.4 (Release Date: August 31, 2022)

MDM v.1.8.4 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 31 August 2022
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
SDMX-ML export: populating the header’s Name tag with the name of the header metadataset

Version 1.8.3 (Release Date: July 27, 2022)

MDM v.1.8.3 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 27 July 2022
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Modification of metadataset and report export function in SDMX-ML 2.0 for import into Metadata Handler
Now all the possible items for a dimension or an attribute are always shown while creating a cc
Removing HTML encoding within non-XHTML attributes
Import “NaN” values as strings in cubes with alphanumeric observation values
Modification to the authorization’s mechanism

Version 1.8.1 (Release Date: April 8, 2022)

MDM v.1.8.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 08 April 2022
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Validate input from CC: now all cc built on dataflows using the same dsd of the cube are shown

Version 1.8.0 (Release Date: February 25, 2022)

MDM v.1.8.0 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 25 February 2022
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Improving Upgrade DSD functionality with support for adding conditional attributes
Creating Content Constraints from file and validation through them in Loading
Support for authomatic creation of Content Constraints for a dataflow from transcoding also without admin permission
Dataflow Builder Publishing - Possibility to create either actual or allowed Content Constraints

Version 1.7.3 (Release Date: February 10, 2022)

MDM v.1.7.3 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 10 February 2022
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

Improvement of security policies for changing passwords.

Version 1.7.2 (Release Date: December 6, 2021)

MDM v.1.7.2 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 6 December 2021
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

Merge versions 1.7.1 and 1.6.3.
Reference metadata module is now included in the main release line.

Version 1.6.3 (Release Date: November 12, 2021)

MDM v.1.6.3 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 12 November 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
BUGFIX: fixed the generation of in SDMX-ML2.0 format
BUGFIX: fixed the generation of in SDMX-ML2.0 format
BUGFIX: solved the url generation for the single dataflow reports (catalog widget)
BUGFIX: solved the numbering present in the report summary
BUGFIX: corrected the behavior of clicking on the "open information page" button of the metadataset
The single report can now be downloaded in SDMX-ML 2.0 format
The download of the entire metadataset in sdmx-ml 2.0 format has been removed (since the SDMX 2.0 standard, unlike SDMX 2.1, required a 1:1 association between report and Metadataset)
Updated the manual, specifying the sender id customization key for the reports generated (key "EXPORT_RM_SDMX_SENDER_ID" in the appsettings of NODE_API and METADATA_API)
The ID tag in the header of the sdmx-ml 2.0 report export is now set to the id of the report

Version 1.7.1 (Release Date: November 3, 2021)

MDM v.1.7.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 3 November 2021
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following bugs and small improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-734 - Functionality “Update Data Browser Cache” now updates catalog cache only
Fix bug on preview on pc-axis file columns
Dataflow Builder: ‘Force cache update’ button is now disabled if the user has no rights on Dataflow Production
html documentation is now directly accessible from the client under “docs” subfolder
configLocation parameter in NSI WS default configuration file has been commented
in the client config file an example url of the Node Api WS has been added

Version 1.6.2 (Release Date: October 22, 2021)

MDM v.1.6.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 22 October 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-139 Report import/export functionality added
ISTAT-733 Added the possibility to clone single reports within the same Metadataset
ISTAT-702 All URL type fields will be fillable in multi-language
ISTAT-703 The sub-theme has been removed as a dedicated field in the MSD and the categorization (on two levels) is managed hierarchically by the single “theme” field
ISTAT-707 In the catalog widget (data list) the HTML formatting of the dataflow description is maintained (“Dataset description” field)
ISTAT-708 Changing the language in the catalog and dataflow widget reloads the same page in the selected language, avoiding going back to the home page.
ISTAT-715 Removed metadataset information (useless to the end user) in the header of catalog and dataflow (DCAT) widgets
ISTAT-711 BUGFIX: for multilingual fields the behavior when opening the zoom, which was not initialized with the current language, has been corrected
ISTAT-712 BUGFIX: the selection of an artifact in the compilation of a report now considers possible rights of the user on the specific agency
ISTAT-705 BUGFIX: the numbering of hierarchical attributes in the widget has been resolved

Version 1.7.0 (Release Date: October 1, 2021)

MDM v.1.7.0 (.NET CORE 3.1)
Release Date: 1 October 2021
DDB v.1.4
MASTORE v.6.15
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)
NSI WS v.8.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1)

The following functionalities have been released:
ISTAT-430 - Support for attributes at level Group or DimensionGroup linked to TimePeriod
ISTAT-509 - Documentation in md format
ISTAT-516 - Derived Item Schemes: tree view mode
ISTAT-517 - CSV Mappings: now shown as a tree
ISTAT-531 - Possibility to hide cubes and folders in which a user does not have permissions
ISTAT-535 - Support for loading from Excel file with an XML Mapping generated by the tool ExcelToCsv
ISTAT-633 - Support for loading from PC-Axis file

The following bugs and small improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-625 - Changed labels for linked and virtual dataflows
ISTAT-687 - Small updates for supporting MA WS v8.4.1
ISTAT-688 - Annotation update with multiple text entries
ISTAT-689 - Fix while doing zoom on multilingual text boxes
ISTAT-690 - Fix on annotation preview for multilingual text boxes with no value for a language
ISTAT-691 - Minor fixes on conversion from sdmx-ml files to csv with complex textual attributes
ISTAT-697 - Fix on creating dataflows with a filter OBS_VALUE <> ‘’
ISTAT-698 - Bug on loading data in cubes with associated CurrentData view longer than 4000 chars
ISTAT-699 - Bug on creating a dataflow deselecting a column with only null values
ISTAT-701 - Bug on moving a category with categorised dataflow under a different category
ISTAT-716 - Slow typing while inserting names of a derived category scheme
ISTAT-718 - Fix in item selection in dataflow’s default and not displayed annotations
ISTAT-725 - Removed from custom dsd conditional attributes not selected in the cube
ISTAT-731 - Fix on update dataset level attribute with NULL values
Dataflow Builder now creates automatically Allowed Content Constraint instead of Actual Content Constraint
Fixed a bug when updating a dataflow’s header in Dataflow Builder
Fix on maximum length of dataflow’s ID in Dataflow Builder
Increased timeout for node connection
Fix for ‘set as default order’ with data languages different from user interface languages

Version 1.5.7 (Release Date: June 14, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.7 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 14 June 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-670 Dataflow Builder: bug on generating transcodings from content constraint
ISTAT-686 Bug while storing items of content constraints selecting a sublevel from tree
Referential Metadata Module has been excluded from this version

Version 1.6.1 (Release Date: June 11, 2021)

MDM v.1.6.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 11 June 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-670 Dataflow Builder: bug on generating transcodings from content constraint
ISTAT-686 Bug while storing items of content constraints selecting a sublevel from tree

Version 1.6.0 (Release Date: May 03, 2021)

MDM v.1.6.0 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 03 May 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Improved performances on referential metadata in the case of many reports
ISTAT-117 Colorare diversamente (in verde) gli attributi compilati
ISTAT-119 Nell’albero di metadataSet i MetadataSet sono stati anticipati rispetto alle categorie

Version 1.5.6 (Release date: April 23, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.6 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 23 April 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-650 - Error while inserting data in a cube with TID and at least an attribute at dataset-level
ISTAT-651 - Impossible to save a virtual (linked) dataflow after having added layout annotations
Referential Metadata Module has been excluded from this version

Version 1.5.5 (Release date: April 15, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 15 April 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-592 - Duplicate artefact: annotation order is not maintained anymore also on codelists
ISTAT-623 - Category Schemes and Dataflow: error message when trying to move a dataflow under a category where it is already categorised
ISTAT-628 - Bug when entering an ID if characters are inserted in the middle of the string
ISTAT-629 - Fix generate transcodings for dataflow from a cube with tid
ISTAT-639/a - Possibility to enter empty password in Data Browser configuration
ISTAT-639/b - Wrong message while trying to update Data Browser cache wrongly configurated
ISTAT-648 - Export in other WS: fix on check on credentials
Referential Metadata Module has been excluded from this version

Version 1.5.4 (Release date: April 15, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.4 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 10 March 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Improved performances on referential metadata in the case of many reports

Version 1.5.3 (Release date: February 26, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.3 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 26 February 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.0
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-76 - Codelist: urn field is now saved correctly
ISTAT-87 - More explicit error while trying to upload a file already loaded from the file system that has been modified
ISTAT-197 - Import Default Category Scheme from MSDB: now the order of categories is maintained
ISTAT-198 - Slow typing in forms to create/modify items of itemscheme
ISTAT-204 - TimePeriod is now supported in Content Constraint
ISTAT-320 - Slow typing when updating concept schemes and in some other cases
ISTAT-332 - Bug when entering an ID if characters are inserted in the middle of the string
ISTAT-442 - Dataflow builder: ‘Show categorisations’ button now mantain the order among categorisations
ISTAT-474 - MergeCategorySchemes: fixed bug on duplicated categories in the merged artefact
ISTAT-484 - Dataflow Builder: bug while searching in category schemes
ISTAT-502 - Filters: bug on available codes retrieved from the whole cube instead from the dataflow
ISTAT-528 - Builder: while creating manually a new Default Category Scheme permissions on categories are now assigned automatically
ISTAT-568 - Managing only-file dataflow with virtual DSD
ISTAT-569 - Loading: Error message for attributes linked to TimePeriod
ISTAT-571 - SMTP Mail provider - password field is now encrypted
ISTAT-591 - DSD: bug on getting details with AllCompleteStub parameter set to true
ISTAT-592 - Duplicate artefact: annotation order is not maintained anymore
ISTAT-593 - ConceptScheme: CoreRepresentation is now maintained when an artefact is updated or duplicated
ISTAT-598 - Fix: DMApi’s swagger not working
ISTAT-606 - Added some missing IDs in confirmation popups
ISTAT-607 - Default layout annotation: only available time periods are now shown
ISTAT-XXX - Loader: ‘CheckFiltAttributes’ is now set to true by default

Version 1.5.2 (Release date: January 29, 2021)

MDM v.1.5.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 29 January 2021
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-9 - Error message while trying to connect to a not-available web service
ISTAT-15 - Advanced filters - manage filters on time period with a range
ISTAT-80 - CompareDSD now available also for anonymous user (if properly set in configuration)
ISTAT-83 - Upgrade DSD - bug on preview codelist’s details
ISTAT-84 - App Configuration: removed ‘Prepared’ field from Default Header Submit Structure
ISTAT-86 - Compare itemschemes from file: corrected bug on itemscheme’s preview
ISTAT-100 - Buttons for ‘Clone’ and ‘Export on Remote Ws’ for MSD and HCL
ISTAT-103 - Different number of items between Simple and Advanced filters
ISTAT-191 - Layout Annotations (General Parameters) - Added ‘Include annotations’ option
ISTAT-314 - Fix on not allowing the import of a concept scheme referencing a not final artefact
ISTAT-317 - Dataflow Builder - Download: option allDimensions at observation level and possibility to specify dimensions at observation level also for sdmx-json format
ISTAT-322 - Default layout annotation: only available codes in the dataflow are now shown
ISTAT-354 - Added ID in confirmation popups
ISTAT-401 - Fix on uploading files with special characters
ISTAT-411 - Default Category Scheme Management: possibility to move a category to its parent level
ISTAT-411 - Default Category Scheme Management: disabled ID field while updating a category
ISTAT-412 - MDM manual updated
ISTAT-417/a - Import Attribute File: added report on wrong references for coded attributes
ISTAT-417/c - Warning for attributes with attachment level Series or Group linked to TimePeriod (not supported yet)
ISTAT-418 - Filter, simple mode: bug on obs_value and time period
ISTAT-419 - Fix on filters on Time-Period in Advanced mode
ISTAT-429 - Support for download DDBDataflow with filter in POST: still not supported in MA WS
ISTAT-431 - Dataflow Builder: attributes cannot be selected in filters for SDMX formats
ISTAT-434 - Possibility to return to the Home from ‘Select Default Category Scheme’ popup
ISTAT-445 - Loader: Fix on upload SDMX-ML data file without frequency dimension
ISTAT-476 - Merge itemscheme: fix when result itemscheme has a multilanguage name
ISTAT-478 - Wrong message while uploading csv in cube with tid and dataset level attributes
ISTAT-479 - Empty cube: table AttNoCode@XX is not truncated
ISTAT-485 - Fix on refresh endpoint when creating a virtual dataflow
ISTAT-486 - Hidden not available annotation for virtual and linked dataflows
ISTAT-489 - Reset DDB: also dataset are now deleted from the MSDB
ISTAT-495 - Minor fixes on Update Data Browser Cache (push mode)
ISTAT-496 - Bug on blank AttachedDataFile annotations
ISTAT-503 - Derived Item Schemes: enlarged search box
ISTAT-504 - Local fix on accessing Eurostat’s DSDs in a specific format
ISTAT-530 - AttributeFile - Bug for SqlServer version 2012

Version 1.5.1 (Release date: December 03, 2020)

MDM v.1.5.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 02 December 2020
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-205 - Dataflow Builder: added connection to Preview in Data Browser and inverted order of two action buttons
ISTAT-300 - Fix on authiomatic update of Data Browser cache (push mode from MDM)
ISTAT-417/2 - Fixed a bug on import attributes with tid
ISTAT-428 - Modified NSI WS and MA WS log paths.
ISTAT-no num - Fix on delete local codes: connection string for SqlServerExpress

Version 1.5.0 (Release date: November 13, 2020)

MDM v.1.5.0 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 13 November 2020
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-18 - Filters: supported conditions with <= and >=
ISTAT-65 - MDM Manual Updated
ISTAT-67 - DSD: Search field has been enlarged
ISTAT-68 - Upgrade DSD: ‘IsFinal’ field added to the report
ISTAT-69 - Import Sdmx Artefacts: bold format for ‘is final’ field in report
ISTAT-72 - Builder: added minimal information on TID
ISTAT-79 - Compare DSD: added explicit message for identical DSDs or DSDs with identical codelists but different versions
ISTAT-93 - Import Attribute File: new functionality implemented
ISTAT-102 - Custom Csv Download: Data preview now takes into account not selected columns in Cube List and Dataflow Builder
ISTAT-105 - DSD: annotation OCSE
ISTAT-108 - Builder: Default Category Scheme Management
ISTAT-149 - Loader: added request for confirmation before loading operation
ISTAT-190 - Advanced filters: corrected a bug on selecting not present items while clicking on ‘select descendants’ button of an item
ISTAT-200 - Table: codes can now be displayed in more than one row
ISTAT-236 - Layout Annotations: support for ‘Last N Periods’ for the temporal dimension
ISTAT-298 - Dataflow Builder: support for filtering dataflow when downloading in SDMX formats
ISTAT-300 - Invalidation of Data Browser cache with push modality
ISTAT-310 - Annotations: bug on creation of layout annotations on dataflows without any other annotation
ISTAT-311 - Annotations: added default layout annotations for graphs and maps
ISTAT-313 - Import Sdmx Artefacts: ‘isFinal’ field is always true
ISTAT-316 - Virtual dataflow: they actually use an ad hoc dsd (temporary workaround)
ISTAT-318 - General Layout Annotation: added annotation for hiding a dataflow in the catalogue
ISTAT-321 - Annotation Default Items: possibility to specify a range of dates and ‘Last N Periods’ option
ISTAT-353 - EmptyCube: removed constraint on not being present any connected dataflow
ISTAT-376 - Bug on random duplication of hundreds of annotations while modyfing layout annotations on dataflow
ISTAT-401 - ItemScheme: fix bug on import csv files with special characters
ISTAT-402 - DataflowBuilder: now local codes and related records in table ITEM are deleted while deleting transcodings
ISTAT-403 - DataflowBuilder: accessing dataset directly through its dedicated view instead through view’s definition
ISTAT-no num - Proxy password is now saved encrypted

Version 1.4.1 (Release date: September 22, 2020)

MDM v.1.4.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 22 September 2020
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • assignment of ownership to the current user for all the artefacts loaded through the “import structures” utility

Version 1.4.0 (Release date: September 15, 2020)

MDM v.1.4.0 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
Release Date: 15 September 2020
DDB v.1.3
MASTORE v.6.10
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-7 - Download with referenced artefacts is now requested with ‘Descendants’ parameter
ISTAT-202 - Added LAST_UPDATE annotation for cache improvement
ISTAT-206 - Bug on selection and import of hierarchical codelists
ISTAT-226 - Support for creating virtual dataflow

Version 1.3.0 (Release date: August 03, 2020)

Release Date: 3 August 2020
DDB v.1.3
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.12.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-62 - Improvement copy on remote ws
ISTAT-64 - Cube list: added refernces to FiltS and FactS tables
ISTAT-66 - Modified label for Custom Annotations
ISTAT-107 - Manage Series functionality
ISTAT-159 - New agency management: new button to add an agency in current node’s configuration available for the superuser
ISTAT-187 - Bug on long codelists not showing correctly
ISTAT-188 - Bug fix on ‘CanManageWorkingAnnotation’ which did not let publish or modify dataflows
ISTAT-192 - Multirow table also for layout annotations and other long columns
Bug fix on download cubes or dataflow in ‘Custom csv’ format returning an empty file
Support for loading xml files also in new format (StructureUsage tag instead of Structure)
DDB Reset - permission on cubes in the AuthDB are now reset
Modifies for new policy on browsers’ cookies
Not displayed annotation - graphical fix for long inputs and added warning for maximum length (4000 chars)

Version 1.2.0 (Release date: July 03, 2020)

Release Date: 3 July 2020
DDB v.1.3
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.26.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)
NSI WS v.7.12.1 (.NET CORE 3.1.0)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Fix on security (reported from version 1.0.1_SECURITY)
Fix on long filters
Fix on deselecting dimension in Dataflow Builder: not allowed if it is part of a group
ISTAT-5 Various fixes on annotations:
- management MM side of the annotations
- zoom on all text fields
- add multiple attached data files
- multilingual for metadata URL, attached data files, dataflow notes
- add format for URL
- ISTAT-6: text truncated in ‘Attached data file’
ISTAT-13 Modified default configuration for ORDER annotation, default agencies and parameters for pagination
ISTAT-55 id and type are not mandatory for annotations any more
ISTAT-56 message on loader’s report stating only the first error for each row is shown
ISTAT-60 Mapping sets are now orderrf from the oldest to the newest
ISTAT-74 bug fix for creating a content-constraint from a DSD without attributes
ISTAT-85 added permission to manage ‘work annotation’
ISTAT-94 Check on coded observation values during loading
ISTAT-95 added annotation for categorisations’ order
ISTAT-96 Support for multirow table
ISTAT-98 support for new version of NSI WS and WS implemented in .Net Core 3.1
ISTAT-99 Support for architectural scenario whith read/write access to MDM without installing a DDB/RMDB
ISTAT-99 Support for installing both MSDB and DDB on the same database
ISTAT-99 Support for having Oracle MSDB
ISTAT-103 Difference in number of codelists’ item in Simple and Advanced Filter
ISTAT-104 Fix on download codelist CL_SERIES in csv format
STAT-166 Various improvements on layout annotations
ISTAT-186 Bug on empty codes in Advanced Filters (Dataflow Builder)

DCAT and Referential Metadata:
Bugs solved:

  • Corrupted images in the DCAT-AP_EN catalog
  • The HTML editor does not remember whether a field was compiled in HTML or flat text mode
  • The deletion of a field affects the compilation of the others (it doesn’t let you fill in anything anymore)
  • In the attributes tree you lose values when you change language or settings
  • In the DCAT report (HTML widget) there is not all the information in the package_show
    small improvements:
  • Edited some MSD labels
  • Added the “CL_” prefix for Codelist in the DCAT MSD (MSD)
  • Removed complete URIs from the interface
  • Added all licenses in the controlled vocabulary: https://github.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati/blob/master/VocabolariControllati/licences/licences.csv
  • Removed the “DCAT_AP_LICENSE_TYPE” attribute from the MSD, which is no longer referenced
  • Added (sequential) numbers to attributes in reports
    New features:
  • New architecture support (the HTML widget has API Metadata as its only dependency and structural metadata is retrieved from API Metadata via API Node; a cache has also been introduced, both on structural and referential metadata)

Version 1.1.0 (Release date: May 19, 2020)

Release Date: 19 May 2020
DDB v.1.2
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.24.9 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)

NSI WS v.7.10.10 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • new management of Dataset level attributes
  • Loader: added check for coherence of attributes in Filt table
  • loading: delete FactS_TEMP table if empty
  • fix on CatDataflow > 500 char
  • Modified layout annotation (DM side) and added new ones
  • Added the possibility to use ‘-‘ char in IDs
  • Blocking error for conflict at attribute level
  • Added items’ codes in Dataflow Builder - Filters (advanced mode)
  • Fix on export of artefacts with referenced organization schemes: “Organisation Schemes can not be set to final”
  • Support for Trusted Connection
  • MM: implementation of Hierarchical Codelist (only at stub level)

Version 1.0.1 (Release date: April 20, 2020)

Release Date: 20 April 2020
DDB v.1.2
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.24.9 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)
NSI WS v.7.10.10 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • fix on creating a filter on a coded attribute with no values available in the cube

Fixes for DCAT and Referential Metadata:

  • The validity check for reportingBegin - reportingEnd fields has been added
  • All attributes of type “String” can be modified through the XHTML editor, with the possibility to switch to classic text (with zoom functionality)
  • Added the possibility to zoom on the name of the MetadataSet
  • All String and XHTML attributes are by default multilingual (the current annotation is ignored)
  • If a report is exposed via API it will be read-only
  • Removed the ability to add categories from the MetadataSet tree
  • IDs from categories and attributes were removed when compiling the report
  • After having saved a report it remains open
  • The deletion of dataflows is not permitted when associated reports are present
  • The HTML editor has been configured to allow the user to directly insert/edit HTML
  • Added the management of the IsPresentational implementation associated to the MSD (checkbox in interface)
  • Problems of slow compilation of attributes have been solved
  • DCAT: catalog report deletion is prevented if dataflow reports are present
  • DCAT: a new version of the MSD has been released
  • DCAT: annotations and attachments have been removed from the compilation of attributes

Version 1.0.0 (Release date: March 20, 2020)

Release Date: 20 March 2020
DDB v.1.2
AUTHDB v.1.1
RMDB v.1.2
MA WS v.1.24.9 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)
NSI WS v.7.10.10 (.NET CORE 2.2.5)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • OBS_VALUE column in FactS table is now of type float instead of real
  • fix bug on blank page on create artefact
  • fix on AssociatedCube annotation when upgrading a cube
  • fix on concurrent uploads management
  • modified default configuration for NSI WS and MA WS (commented configLocation parameter)
  • added new configuration parameter for timeouts of single web services
  • added new applicative error for import of dsds referencing not final artefacts
  • fix download in sdmx formats for very big dataflows
  • fix download in CUSTOM CSV format for very big dataflows
  • Derived ItemScheme: support for creation of hierarchical itemscheme derived not at root level
  • Fixed a bug on creation of dataflows with header template
  • Updated MA WS default configuration for supporting content constraint automatic creation while putting into production a dataflow
  • New management of ‘isFinal’ field for artefacts in ‘Export on remote ws’ functionality
  • Minor fix on codelist’s items order management
  • security fix on Recover Password functionality

Fixes for DCAT and Referential Metadata:

  • It is now possible to save generic referential metadata reports without configuring the DCAT module first
  • Support for OrganisationUnitScheme references in MSDs