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Version 1.4.0 (Release date: May 2, 2024)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Fixed bug when handling header cell type

Version 1.3.0 (Release date: June 28, 2022)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Added the export, in the csv file, also of constant values from specific cells of the Excel worksheet
  • Added the possibility to indicate the text qualifier for the csv export
  • Changed the message for indicating empty no-value cells in the csv export

    Version 1.2.12 (Release date: January 10, 2022)

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Corrected the “Header info” pop-up form in the “Convert in SDMX format” function

    Version 1.2.11

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Modified maximum value for data row selector

    Version 1.2.10 (Release date: October 15, 2018)

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Added Header Info

    Version 1.2.9

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Added Control for duplicate keys (possible memory leaks)

    Version 1.2.8

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Speed improvement

    Version 1.2.7

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Added “Convert in SDMX format” window

    Version 1.2.6

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Added Unicode UTF-8 (without BOM) on Output Encoding

    Version 1.2.5

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Fixed style issues, including a proper encapsulation for P/Invoke calls with safe access modifiers.
  • Encapsulate csv field values in a container that reports whether the field refers to a time series value.
  • Do not let the Expression Editor affect the values for time series dimensions.

    Version 1.2.4

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Adding an attribute column sets its offset to the least maximum value available.
  • Suppress warning on empty column headers for attribute columns while detecting axis.
  • Suppress errors on empty column headers for attribute columns while extracting data.
  • Check for xml format compatibility.

    Version 1.2.3

    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Changing the coordinates of the first data cell or the last one does not reset the field configuration anymore.
  • Support column attributes by specifing a column offset for each attribute.
  • Version is back to the major.minor.micro.build format.
  • Fixed a bug making the codelists appear more than once when multiple language labels are present.

    Version 1.2.0

    This document describes the features of version 1.2 of Excel2Csv, released on 23th February 2018. The following changes and improvements have been added since version 1.1.6530.26781 released on 17/11/2017.
    The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • new code list extraction mode featuring what hereby follows:
    • possibility to mark a field as “code list” in order not to have repeated codes.
    • possibility to add a field that contains a description embedded in a “code + description expression” cell.
  • Accept “NaN” as a valid data value.
  • Added a switch that lets users process non-numeric data by not attempting to cast data values.
  • Creation of MDI windows and switching between them have been made faster.
  • Changing either the first data cell or the last table one does not reset the field settings.
  • Let users work with empty dimension values by accepting to continue after a warning.
  • Fixed a bug appearing on codelists with multiple columns.
  • Fixed a bug letting the time mapping to be overwritten that appeared after the improvements on the changes to the first and last data cells.
  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t letting the Expression Editor to appear while working on a completely new session.
  • Fixed a bug that let the wrong callbacks to be called from the Time Editor
  • Fixed a bug in the code list mode that made codes in merged cells to be repeated in the output.
  • Add a check against null merged regions.
  • Huge code and comment refactoring.
  • Added a check that prevents the Progressbar from crashing the application.