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Version 2.0.8 (Release date: May 30, 2024)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
BUGFIX: update of the migration tool to resolve problems encountered in the presence of large amounts of data
Improved performance when converting to json-stat
BUGFIX: restored the dashboard preview

Version 2.0.6 (Release date: March 20, 2024)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
Introduction of new caches to optimize queries with NSIWS
Use of content constraints in retrieving Codelists (PARTIAL)
Introduction of new caches for partial codelists (“step by step partial” and “all partial” modes)
Introduction of the possibility of anticipating the verification of exceeding the threshold of the maximum number of records, estimating the number of resulting observations
Introduction of a new dimension/data navigation mode: OPTIMIZED ALL PARTIAL
Introduction of the possibility of configuring SQL Server as a database, as an alternative to SQLite
Improvement in the management of exceeding the maximum threshold of the number of cells
Improvement in the management of exceeding the maximum number of observations allowed, which allows you to guide the user in positioning dimensions in the filters
Technological adaptation on the client (partial) and server side (SdmxSource)
When navigating to a “potential” data/dashboard, login is now requested
Added a new configuration to enable/disable pan&zoom on the category axes
Improved the times for generating the export file in CSV format
The default Annotation configurations have been standardized with MDM version 1.10
The email verification mechanism during registration has been made configurable, via appsettings.json
In the release package, for all configurations that require access to the database, in addition to the classic SQLite mode, active by default, a commented example with the parameters for SQL Server has also been included
Password autocomplete for NSIWS (HTTP Authentication and Proxy) has been disabled
Improved management of display of names that are too long in filters
Improved the performance of the table to manage user permissions on individual nodes
In the registration and user creation form the only mandatory fields are: email, password
The annotation dedicated to the implementation of Content Constraints has been made configurable
Creation of the SQL Server Geometries table at application startup
Adaptation of the configurations released in the package to ISTAT specifications
Added details on configuration with SQL Server to the manual
Optimization of the query for downloading data for the current view only (ALL PARTIAL OPTIMIZED mode)
Fixed the inconsistency between the time period filters in the criteria tab and the SDMX query (ALL PARTIAL OPTIMIZED mode)
Removed double catalog request following cache invalidation
Resolution of misalignment between header and contents in multidimensional table
Improved performance when downloading data in CSV format
rimozione della possibilità di scaricare l’intero dataset in modalità ALL PARTIAL OPTIMIZED
removal of the possibility of downloading the entire dataset in ALL PARTIAL OPTIMIZED mode

Version 1.6.3 (Release date: February 24, 2023)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-914 The order of presentation of the territorial levels has been changed
ISTAT-915 Fixed the “not selectable” (in some cases) of the level of detail selector in the map
ISTAT-916 Correction of some polygons in the geographical database (e.g. countries bordering the Caspian Sea)
ISTAT-918 Extension of the area displayed in the map of the whole world, to facilitate its use
ISTAT-919 Fixed deletion of temporary files for downloads

Version 1.6.1 (Release date: January 9, 2023)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-901(a) Addition of confirmation message, before deleting the template via “shortcut”
ISTAT-901(b) Addition of the timetable (hh:mm:ss format) in the PDF export
ISTAT-901(c) Fix catalog tree navigation
ISTAT-901(d) Removal of the level of detail selector in the case of single geometry
ISTAT-902 Addition of the new geographical database
ISTAT-909 BUGFIX: restored correct functioning of search in filters
ISTAT-910 BUGFIX: manual update
ISTAT-911 BUGFIX: items marked for hierarchy purposes only have been hidden

Version 1.6.0 (Release date: December 12, 2022)

The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-883 Added the possibility to download the Excel of the entire dataset in the dashboard
ISTAT-866 Added the possibility to enable the Progressive Web App (PWA) for the Data Browser
ISTAT-865 Added the possibility to sort the data, in multidimensional table
ISTAT-864 Added the possibility to make filters, in multidimensional table
ISTAT-863 Added ability to customize translations for an installation
ISTAT-862 Added the News module
ISTAT-861 Added the possibility to define some default behaviors for the graphs, from configuration files
ISTAT-860 Added new features to the map: configure new background maps, perform geographic filters, define custom class intervals, define some default behaviors
ISTAT-858 Added the possibility to configure private nodes, i.e. accessible only to some users
ISTAT-856 Addition of email verification during registration
ISTAT-855 API update to .NET6

Version 1.5.1 (Release date: November 24, 2022)

.NET CORE 3.1.0
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-875 The CSV export has been adjusted to always include all the decimals present in the data
ISTAT-882 Added the ability to download the CSV, in dashboards, considering all the criteria with which the view was created
ISTAT-884 Added an identifier to the CSV download button next to the viewers, to be able to customize its style (or hide it)
ISTAT-886 Optimization of dashboard retrieval queries
ISTAT-889 Addition of CSV export in dashboard, also for charts and maps
ISTAT-890 Preparation of a new generic error page
ISTAT-876 BUGFIX: fixed the omission of the zero for decimal digits representing values below the unit
ISTAT-877 BUGFIX: fixed the behavior that led to an inconsistent graphic status, clicking on the browser back button while a data was being viewed in fullscreen mode
ISTAT-879 BUGFIX: fixed the inconsistency of selected level of detail, between view and dashboard
ISTAT-887 BUGFIX: fix the failed initialization of maps in dashboard, starting from the second visualization
ISTAT-888 BUGFIX: Restore the behavior that, regardless of the filters applied, opens the Criteria window by selecting the first available dimension

Version 1.5.0 (Release date: September 20, 2022)

.NET CORE 3.1.0
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-287 Added the display of hierarchical codelists (no HCL) in the table, in case the dimension with hierarchy is put in line
ISTAT-291 Added the possibility to define, at node level, which data languages are actually available
ISTAT-391 Inclusion of the title by placing the individual viewers in full screen
ISTAT-394 Added the shortcut, when viewing a data, for modifying the cache and deleting the template
ISTAT-609 Added the concept of visibility of a node, so you can have active but not visible nodes in the portal
ISTAT-784 Added the possibility to invert the time dimension, in tables and graphs
ISTAT-785 Added the possibility to remove, by customizing the template, some of the available viewers
ISTAT-786 Improved the resolution of the image in the download of the graphs
ISTAT-794 Added the possibility, via template, to fix some dimensions in graphs and tables so as not to change their positioning through pivoting
ISTAT-804 Changed the display logic of the images for the categories
ISTAT-805 Added support for authentication via Shibboleth, via the ShibO2Module module
ISTAT-810 The representation of the attributes in the table has been changed (in the new version the presence of an attribute is always indicated with an asterisk)
ISTAT-811 Addition of the tree navigation mode in the exploration of the categories
ISTAT-812 Added the possibility to export maps and graphs in PDF
ISTAT-820 Added the possibility to configure the baseUrl of the SDMX web service, to be shown in the “query view” popup, available for the end user
ISTAT-831 Addition, in the criteria, the possibility of displaying only the selected items
ISTAT-832 Added the possibility, in the filters, to search for items by code

Version 1.3.3 (Release date: December 07, 2021)

.NET CORE 3.1.0
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-247 Added the possibility to download the multidimensional table in Excel format (xlsx)
ISTAT-741 Customization of the management of views and templates created on a given data, in the event that a “last N periods” type filter on the time dimension is set in the criteria
ISTAT-185 Added the configuration, at the node level, for setting the default values of the time range (used in case it is not possible to retrieve the effective range from the NSIWS)
ISTAT-738 Adjustment of the time range reading from Cube Region (NSIWS version 8.4.0 and later)
ISTAT-742 BUGFIX: improved the management of the space dedicated to the filters of the views in the dashboard
ISTAT-743 BUGFIX: enabled the possibility to select the detail level of the views, if the view filters are enabled
ISTAT-746 BUGFIX: resolution of error message in saving template
ISTAT-747 BUGFIX: resolution of the TIME PERIOD initialization problem by configuring the default range at the node level

Version 1.3.2 (Release date: November 15, 2021)

ISTAT-603 Changed the download query of the SDMX-ML structure to also include referenced artifacts (descendants)
ISTAT-723 Improved the tabular representation, to avoid carriage returns in the cells in some particular cases ISTAT-728 Added a cleanup task for expired cache files
ISTAT-727 The possibility of configuring the “last N periods” also in Partial navigation modes has been enabled
ISTAT-730 Improved error handling in case exceptions occur when saving a node: it prevents the popup with all the configured configurations from being closed
ISTAT-719 BUGFIX: fixed the transposition of the annotation not displayed for the attributes
ISTAT-721 BUGFIX: corrected the transposition of the ordering of the dimensions set in the filters (layout annotation)
ISTAT-726 BUGFIX: restored the warning that warns the user of a possible exceeding of the maximum number of observations (set in configuration)
ISTAT-696 BUGFIX: fixed the interpretation of the attribute attachment level
ISTAT-729 BUGFIX: corrected the number of results per category in the case of dataflow categorized simultaneously in multiple categories, also adding a note indicating that the dataflow has a “multiple” categorization
ISTAT-740 Management of the case in which, among the DEFAULT annotations on the TIME PERIOD, only the start date (and not the end date) is valued and the SOAP 2.0 workaround is enabled on the databrowser side
ISTAT-739 BUGFIX: use of the SOAP workaround even in the presence of the last N periods
ISTAT-735 BUGFIX: corrected the deletion of the dataflow cache for all languages, putting into production a dataflow on the MDM side ISTAT-736 BUGFIX: fixed the clearing of the catalog cache, for all languagese
ISTAT-737 BUGFIX: corrected the transposition of the DEFAULT annotation for the TIME PERIOD range

Version 1.1.1 (Release date: December 03, 2020)

.NET CORE 3.1.0
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:

  • Resolution of the scrollbars not displayed in the table
  • Openstreetmap background map removed
  • Accessibility improvements

Version 1.1.0 (Release date: November 25, 2020)

.NET CORE 3.1.0
The following bugs/improvements have been covered:
ISTAT-230 Accessible version refinement
ISTAT-343 Color selection for items of the graphed dimension
ISTAT-356 Move image files (categories) to node level
ISTAT-383 Added the ability to collapse the legend on the map
ISTAT-387 Move “schedulable” service configurations externally to the appconfig.json file
ISTAT-386 Introduced the use of the count of the record number
ISTAT-378 Loading of maps
ISTAT-414 Application level dashboard duplication and normalization
ISTAT-264 Cursor scrolling problem in dashboards
ISTAT-269 Filter management problems
ISTAT-280 Templates created on maps are not maintained
ISTAT-290 In flat codelists (criteria) added the “deselect all”
ISTAT-365 Disabled internal scrolling of views by scrolling the dashboard
ISTAT-367 Dashboard, Maps - lack of synchronization with the wait wheel
ISTAT-374 Problems creating map views
ISTAT-380 Query efficiency check
Password change and recovery problem
Problem with saving map configuration in view / template
Check that cache expiration works correctly
In dashboards some objects are not displayed randomly
In registration, the “Organization” field must not be mandatory
The configured default language has to win when you reopen the application
The combo-box must not be visible at the top left if you start with the default node and the node is the only one present
The “other nodes” button must not be visible on the home-page of the default node if the node is the only one present
The node combo box on the top left must show the node name and not the node ID