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The following pages and posts are tagged with

Data Browser features Page This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
Excel2csv Release notes Page Version 1.4.0 (Release date: May 2, 2024) The following bugs/improvements have been covered: Fixed bug when handling header cell type Version 1.3.0 (Release date: June 28, 2022) The following bugs/improvements have been covered: Added the export, in...
Meta&Data manager features Page This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
About the theme's author Page I have used this theme for projects that I've worked on as a professional technical writer.
Pages Page This theme primarily uses pages. You need to make sure your pages have the appropriate frontmatter. One frontmatter tag your users might find helpful is the ...
Posts Page You can use posts when you want to create blogs or news type of content.
Data Browser Release notes Page Version 2.0.8 (Release date: May 30, 2024) .NET CORE 6.0 The following bugs/improvements have been covered: BUGFIX: update of the migration tool to resolve problems encountered in the presence of large amounts of data Improved performance when converting to json-stat ...
Data Browser Release notes Page Version 1.2.0 (Release date: February 04, 2021) .NET CORE 3.1.0 The following bugs/improvements have been covered: ISTAT-461 Per migliorare la leggibilità in tabella il TIME_PERIOD non viene mai tagliato su righe diverse ISTAT-390 Per i dati con un solo valore distinto sul territorio (es....
Meta&Data Manager Release notes Page Version 2.1.19 (Release Date: May 30, 2024) MDM v.2.1.19 (.NET 6) Release Date: 30 May 2024 DDB v.1.5 MASTORE v.6.20 AUTHDB v.1.0 RMDB v.1.5 MA WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6) NSI WS v.8.15.1 (.NET 6) <br...
Meta&Data Manager Release notes Page Version 1.5.6 (Release date: April 23, 2021) MDM v.1.5.6 (.NET CORE 3.1.0) Release Date: 23 April 2021 DDB v.1.3 MASTORE v.6.10 AUTHDB v.1.0 RMDB v.1.2 MA WS v.1.26.5 (.NET CORE 3.1.0) NSI WS v.7.13.2 (.NET...
Sidebar Navigation Page The sidebar navigation uses a jQuery component called Navgoco. The sidebar is a somewhat complex part of the theme that remembers your current page, highligh...
Support Page Contact me for any support issues.
Supported features Page If you're not sure whether Jekyll and this theme will support your requirements, this list provides a semi-comprehensive overview of available features.
Sample post Post This is some summary frontmatter for my sample post.